Ministry Events
The Society relies mostly on donations from the parish. You can donate to the Society through the
"St. Vincent De Paul Society" envelope included in the monthly envelope package. Donations of any
amount are welcome so that we can assist those in need each month.
If you want to learn more, please come to the St. Vincent De Paul monthly meetings on the second
monday of the month at 6:30pm in the St. Monica Social Hall Whether you can give an hour a week
or a month, the needs of the poor in our community require that we expand our ranks, and we
would love to have you join us! Even if you are unable to volunteer your time and talent, your
donation of food or finances will be sincerely and gratefully welcomed.
Also periodic training sessions are held. The Diocese highly recommends that home visit team
members attend within one year of becoming a member. If you don't plan on doing home visits,
we still ask new Vincentians to attend a training session if possible.
Getting Involved
St.Pat's and St. Monica's are able to provide services in our Parishes and to our local community
because of the continous generosity of our parishioners.
If you can volunteer to help the ministry, please...
to email us with your name and phone number, or call the Parish Office during office
hours (444-3524) or call Gail Petravick at (444-8878), or attend any of the monthly membership
meetings. Membership mettings are held at 6:30 P.M. on the second Monday of each month at
St. Monica's social hall.
Time Commitment
When we receive a request for assistance, we make the home visit in pairs, sometimes on
somewhat short notice. These visits usually take less than an hour. There is some minimal
paperwork and follow-up required for each case we handle. Similar to how St. Pat's lectors
and Eucharistic Ministers are scheduled, Home Visit Teams are scheduled in advance and are on call for the week that they are scheduled. We schedule teams of volunteers to help at our
monthly Food Pantry, shopping, stocking shelves and distributing food on the 3rd Saturday
of the month. We do expect attendance at the monthly meetings as well.
call for the week that they are scheduled.
"...I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you
gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was
naked and you clothed me.Truly I say to you, as you did this
to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to me.
(Matt 25: 34-40)